Monday, October 27, 2014

Day 6: Pre Production class

What is news?
What is news depends on the audience. We need to find audience first.
The audience can be classified into target and actual audience.

Target audience is who do like to watch, but actual audience is who has actually watched it.
Good producers and editors are the ones who can achieve targeted audience.

Segmentation is to segment the programs by schedule.
Such as 12.00 news, 7 pm news, or 9 pm news.

Segmentation can be done by schedule and platform.
Platform can be available on TV, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter
VICE news is good example of having original stories from the field and broadcast via social network.
ThaiPBS kids is the best segmentation of ThaiPBS
- Segmentation is the key to achieve achieve targeted audience.

How do we define audience?
- Demographics: language, gender, age, education, occupation, income
- Psychographics: why, how, where, with whom they watch TV?
Pointer can help audience to keep watching our programs.

What's news? (Horea's definition)
News is what the audience wants to know, what the audience needs to know, but they don't.

Every good editor needs to have news judgement, to know what to give audience, what they need to know. Thinking of news coverage we need to think of ordinary people:
1. life: crime, flood, disaster
2. Money: how it has affected pocket of audience
3. Choices: what should I do with my money? Politics, who I should vote for?
4. Entertainment: sport, culture, arts

We need to aim at having "breaking news"
ThaiPBS is a public broadcaster, we should aim at providing impartial reports as choices for audience. Problems at ThaiPBS is we interpret the rules too literally.

Newsroom has to be really careful not to sell time and content, particularly ThaiPBS. We don't rely on sponsors and advertisement as public broadcasters thus we need to maintain credibility to attract more audience. But, we need to think of ratings at the same time, we have to care of the audience to watch us. This is the "inconvenient truth" for the ThaiPBS.

Still nowadays, ThaiPBS still not quite well known
1. The audience is inherited from ITV
2. Changing viewership
These days from 52 million audience of Thailand, only 20% watch TV and perhaps only 100,000 watch ThaiPBS.

To attract more audience, we need to have more breaking news, more exclusive news.
Where to get exclusive news?
From new sources, to make original reports, not only copying news from other newspapers or online media.

"If we don't have stories, we are nobody."
It is also highly important to give credits to news sources at local level, and to try to encourage reporters to come up with good stories.
- try to maximize the use of social media, Facebook and Twitter to follow our news sources.
- we should build up our contacts and it will be with us.

Sum up: as ThaiPBS we should aim at producing original reports, not just copying from the print or online media. We need to think of different platforms in broadcasting our news reports via TV, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and online media. We need to have clear segmentation to attract different groups of audience to different programs. Think of news which is close to lives of the audience. ///

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